Lush Christmas Collection | Cranberry Festive Fresh Face Mask Review


Lush has always come out with amazing Christmas products and this year is no exception. Walking into Lush we were instantly met with an amazing demonstration of the new Cranberry Festive Face Mask. As if the smell didn't already have us falling in love, we were charmed by the way it left our skin feeling. We were both very impressed and decided to buy it and let you know what we thought. The price point was the same as all the other masks, $16.50NZD for 60g. Without further ado, here are our thoughts on the newest addition to the Christmas range.

As soon as this mask was applied to the back of my hand I knew it would suit my dry and often flaky (ew) skin though my face tends to be more supple than the skin on the rest of my body. I decided to give it a shot even so.

The scent of this mask perfectly reflects it's name; a festive, fruity fragrance which is both indulgent and refreshing. It's a universal aroma which contains hints of spicy fennel (bear in mind I do not even like fennel yet I still enjoy the scent of this mask) and the overriding and sweet smell of cranberries. An undertone of rose makes this mask extremely soothing for the winter months (though in NZ we're in summer). If the scent of certain Lush products worries you, there will not be a problem with this mask as its fragrance has gorgeous notes and will appeal to everyone.  
The texture is a big part of this mask with small cranberries pieces to gently exfoliate the skin and a clay-like texture; definitely much more solid than some other masks but is on par with Catastrophe Cosmetic, giving it a fast-drying property. It really does feel lovely to feed your skin with this cooling mask and you can understand how the natural ingredients make an effect on your skin. The rose clay and tofu as the base of the recipe is likely to be the reason for the clay-like texture of the mask.

As a whole, I found this mask to be what we expect from Lush; a natural, wholesome and effective mask which we can depend on for a good cleansing and nurturing experience. Something fun and relevant for the holiday season approaching, the mask had to be made from a red fruit and be soothing for the winter, notorious for its drying effects. I found the mask at first application to give a slightly burning sensation which initially worried me until I realised how untreated my skin had been in the last couple of months and it was likely to be a detox. After a minute or so, however, the sensation subsided (at least ceased a bit) and though it wasn't exactly comfortable to have a cold mask lying on your face for ten minutes straight, after washing it off (which came off fairly easily in warm water) my face felt a-ma-zing. My cheeks, which the often the driest area of my already dry face, felt supple and moisturised and most of all exfoliated and smooth; a rarity to have it feel that smooth. I was impressed. Apart from the burning was was not ideal the mask did feel nice afterwards. I can see how the mask would work for many skin types; it wouldn't allow oil to reside on the skin for oily skin types but would gently moisturise it without removing necessary oils (as you'll hear about in Rachel's review). Dry skin can benefit from the exfoliation of old skin cells associated with our skin and combination, of course, can work with both. Overall this is a face mask living up to the Lush reputation they have built for themselves. It maybe is not the best mask Lush has ever made, yet it cannot be degraded for effectiveness and really depends on your personal scent preferences. With Christmas around the corner, this a mask to consider as a fun gift. Give it a go

After going months without using a Lush face mask I finally bought the Cranberry Festive mask. When the (very kind) woman at lush suggested me this mask I instantly fell in love. I haven't quite gotten into the festive spirit yet, so I thought this would bring me to it. I would describe the scent as being quite elegant, with a strong fruity, yet sour smell of cranberry with a very strong hint of lemongrass and fennel. The rose scent from the rose clay really ties the fragrance together.

When I applied it to my skin, I felt a slight tingling sensation on my cheeks (due to the dry state of them) that soon faded into a cooling sense. I'm glad I like the smell of this mask since the fragrance is quite strong. The consistency of this mask is very similar to Lush's 'Love Lettuce' mask. The cranberry bits in the mask make for a slightly patchy application and I felt like the mask was drying as I applied it to my face which contributed to the uneven application. However, I finally found a way to make it work and went straight to fix myself a small snack (berries, yoghurt and granola, if you were wondering!). After leaving the mask on for about 10 minutes I went to wash it off. I was scared of the cranberry bits clogging up my drain so I took them out pre-rinse.

I was really impressed with the way my skin felt after washing the mask off. My cheeks and dry spots felt so hydrated, I could definitely see the exfoliating claims coming in. Though my cheeks were moisturised, my T-zone seemed oil free (not stripped of oil) however my skin seemed to produce more oil than usual as the night went on. Fortunately my face didn't look like an oil slick and I was able to wake up the next morning with my face hydrated, yet not at all oily. My face overall had a beautiful radiant glow.

I would absolutely buy this again! This is the 4th mask I've tried from Lush and it is most definitely my favourite one. I just wish it wasn't limited edition as this would be the perfect mask in Winter. This would be the perfect stocking filler this Christmas!

You can find this at any Lush store or buy it online here.

What's been your favourite face mask from Lush?

Much love and Seasons Greetings, Emily and Rachel xx

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